Making better choices
is not always this easy


Investments & Savings

Investments & Financial Planning

Successful management of an investment portfolio in today’s dynamic economic and political environment demands constant supervision, accurate information and specialist knowledge from qualified financial planners.

Individuals do not have the time, expertise or resources to keep pace with investment opportunities. They can easily be overwhelmed by the range of options and choices.

What competitive edge does Olemera Financial Services offer the investor?

Best practice investment theory states that the ideal investment solution needs to satisfy three critical requirements: it needs to (a) generate the returns needed to achieve the goals of the investment, while not exposing the investor to risk that (b) could fatally sabotage portfolio performance or (c) that the investor will have a hard time feeling comfortable with.

Olemera Financial Services, in alliance with consulting fund managers FAL Invest, combine a lifetime of hands-on experience with cutting edge science and analytics to match investors with robust investment options that achieve all three of these goals. Helping to build portfolios that don’t take unaffordable risks. Portfolios that do the heavy lifting of generating market beating returns. Portfolios that allow investors to sleep easy at night.  

At the heart of these solutions is a portfolio design process powered by a mathematical technique called Monte Carlo optimisation. In essence, tens of thousands of potential market movement scenarios are simulated, and for each of those the thousands of potential ways in which a given fund selection may react are also calculated.

The cumulative outcomes of these millions upon millions of calculations are weighted for probability, annualised and evaluated in order to determine whether the fund selection satisfies, with a high degree of probability, the three goals of investment return targets, risk limits and stable enough path evolution to maintain investor peace of mind.

The whole process is repeated for thousands of possible fund selection combinations and weightings, with the best of the best being used to construct an optimised portfolio selection that enables us to target the maximum returns attainable within the risk parameters of the investor.

The old adage teaches us that “Numbers don’t lie” – billions of numbers speak even truer. The process is repeatable, quantifiable and rigid, and devoid of the “fear and greed” emotions that occasionally cause even the best of fund managers to stumble. In a rapidly changing world, it constantly scans for opportunities and solutions that objectively offer the highest likelihood of success.

Olemera - Your Financial Planners in Johannesburg

Over the past decade, this approach has indubitably given Olemera Financial Services and its clients a significant edge in the unrelenting quest to achieve investment objectives and maximise the return on hard-won capital.

In a world drowning in ever-increasing floods of data, this value-add and competitive advantage will surely only get more significant as time goes on.

For more information about our financial planning services, please contact one of our financial planners in Johannesburg.


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